Notice on Coronavirus (COVID-19) - PLEASE READ
We have been encouraged by the state to be proactive about setting in motion discussions and plans related to the potential scenario of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) spreading to our state and school community.
Atlantic Community Charter School has created a Coronavirus Task Force. These members will be key communicators with staff and the community related to information sharing, planning, and other concerns related to the Coronavirus.
We will be creating posters for our restrooms to encourage proper hygiene of our students and staff. Teachers have also been asked to encourage thorough hygiene practices to scholars during their regular discussions. Our custodial staff has already set in place an assertive cleaning routine in addition to standard sanitation practices. We have posted information for our parents in the front foyer of our building, as well as electronically.
As usual, if a scholar is presenting with symptoms of illness, we will continue to refer them to the nurse. All of these measures are to proactively address the potential concern.
For more information from the state, please see the link below: